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21 Nov

మెల్లంగ కదులుతోంది చల్లంగ కదులుతోంది తెలంగాన బండి మన తెలంగాన బండి
రండి రండి రండి ఎక్కండిరా బండి పది డబ్బాల బండి దిల్లీ కి పోతాంది దీని స్పీడు పెంచ రండి ఈ పోరు పెంచ రండి

వచ్చింది రా ఊరు అందాల ఓరుగల్లు
తెలంగాన జోరుగల్లు
తెలివైన బిడ్డ చూడు వరంగల్లు బిడ్డ నేడు
నీ తెలివి తేటలాను అనగా తొక్కిన్రు
రండి రండి రండి ఎక్కండి రా బండి
మెల్లంగ కదులుతోంది చల్లంగ కదులుతోంది తెలంగాన బండి మన తెలంగాన బండి
రండి రండి ఎక్కండిరా బండి పది డబ్బాల బండి దిల్లీ కి పోతాంది దీని స్పీడు పెంచ రండి ఈ పోరు పెంచ రండి

classical Dance hair style

21 Sep

To day in the dance field the hair dressing for the dance performance has become a big hassle .Dance performers who has attained good achievements in Dance are nervous demotivated when it comes to this hair style. Adarsha dress palace who are the pioneers in supplying dance costumes and acesseries have developed a ready made dance chooti or jada which will be very handy for the dancers and now they don’t require any body’s help in having a professional dance chooti or jada can be fixed within minutes . The dance jada as shown below has different lengths

small,medium,large completely decorated with flowers and flowers and sack behind it where the real chooti or jada can be inserted and fixed to the haed and tied with the help of given thread and comb in just 5 minutes. you can even visit for further details of this fentastic innovation for dancers for both Bharatanatyam,  kuchipudi and folk 

Indian classical dance

20 Sep

Today in the field of Indian classical dance the young generation is showing profound interest in the Art of dance and are also very serious,but I personally feel the people who has to encourage them are not very serious and the reasons may be finance or worried that learning dance may effect their studies.I have seen even dancers after attaining a good perfection in the dance performance are leaving this field for lack of encouragement from the parents,society and for the fear of academic performance.Indians living out of India has a better liking for this dance than people living in India hats off to their encouragement to their wards.

Indian classical dance is more lively because of the seriousness and support given by people abroad.

Adarsha Dress Palace makes make up easy

20 Sep


Today, in the growing field of dance, dancers are increasing and so is the art of dance. The young generation is showing profound interest in the Indian Classical Dance and many are aiming to master this art, globally. With the increased number of artists/dancers and their dance performances, the professional make-up artists required to do make-up for these dancers are handful in India and nearer to negligible abroad. As the make-up artists are not available for the dancers, they tend to get de-motivated and this also affects their performance. As the dancers are able to learn the great art of dance, they can as well learn this art of make-up and excel in their dance performances and win the audiences’ appreciation. Adarsha Dress Palace has developed a CD which demonstrates the make-up step by step and by following these tips, each performer can learn make-up and help themselves or each other.

We would like to give this message to every dance Guru, to make your dance students independent. Let every dancer learn make-up along with their dance practice. Guruji, you help your student to learn the art of dance and Adarsha Dress Palace helps your student to learn the art of make-up.

We conduct make-up work shops at your convenience and help them to be good with make-up. In these make-up workshops, we demonstrate make-up and also provide your student with a CD and make-up kit and ensure that the student learns make-up. We charge per student who participates in the work shop. A student can also be accompanied by their parents/siblings, etc, whereas the charge will be on the student alone.

Ignorance leads to confusion and this gives tension. Be very clear about make-up and procedures and be happy by becoming independent, to help yourself.

Hello world!

20 Sep

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